jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2007

Mensaxe nunha botella

Non sei como empezar, estou nervoso pola nova que acabo de recibir.

Eu houbo un tempo que tódolos días cando ía para o mar , collía nunha maquina expendedora de bebidas refrescantes dúas botellas de Coca Cola.
Nestas botellas logo de baleiradas as veces metía un papel co nome do barco, unha situación xeográfica por coordenadas e mais a miña dirección de correo electrónico, e logo de ben pechadas , tirabas o mar.
De todo isto fai xa mais de tres anos, e nunca mais supen.

Agora acabo de recibir un correo que me deixou totalmente abraiado!!!

Pego a qui a mensaxe orixinal en inglés e logo cóntovos.

Hi, let me introduce my self. My name is Catherine Thompson and I am from
Sidney, Australia. Probably you are a bit confuse about this message but I am
going to explain it right now.
Last weekend I was walking alongside the sea
in a so cute beach, “Cronulla”, close to Sidney. I was playing with my little
dog “Johni”. We are used to play at the same way, he usually pick up some
things on the sand and then I through them away. When, one time, he brought me a
coke bottle. I thought that it was a normal bottle, but when I took it in my
hands, I realized that it was a special letter. A letter inside a bottle.
that moment I felt like a little kid when they have a fabulous present. I opened
the bottle and started to read the letter. The problem was that the letter was
in a different language so I introduced the text in Internet and translated it.
The letter was a bit distorted, I think that it is probably about the water.
Maybe, even with the bottle so closed, some water could filtrate through it. I
don´t know when you send the bottle, why you send it, and so on. I have so much
questions about this matter.
In the letter I rode an e_mail address to get in
touch just in case. That is the way I am in touch with you. I am till in shock
about this issue, I can´t believe that something like that could happen. I am
really anxious and, believe me, a bit nervous. I never saw the same. It was so
great if you could get in touch with me and tell me how it could happen. I know
that it is a bit confuse and incredible. I will send you a photo about the
bottle enclosed.
My e_mail is: XXXXXXX@gmail.com

A prompt
replay will be appreciated.
Thanks so much

Para os que como eu non sexades destros no idioma inglés , cóntovos o que mais ou menos ca axuda dun tradutor on-line puiden comprender.

Catherine dende Australia dime que paseando co seu can por unha praia preto de Sidney atopou unha botella de cola que parecía ter un papel dentro.

O abrir a botella puido comprobar que o papel tratábase dun mensaxe , do que a pesar de estar algo húmido e bastante deteriorado puido ler un nome (M/P SIDRI ROBER), unhas coordenadas xeográficas , e unha dirección de correo electrónico ( a miña).

Que se pon en contacto comigo para saber si realmente eu tirei esa botella o mar e si é así parécelle incrible que houbese chegado a botella a Australia en 3 anos.

Acabo de contestar o seu correo e espero que me de mais detalles para poder contarvos mais polo miúdo o caso.

Catherine enviame tamén dúas fotos do achádego que poño aqui.
A primeira e o papel do mensaxe e a segunda é a botella na praia, tal como a atopou o seu can.

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